What I’ve Learned About Excellence, Purpose, and Showing Up: AMA with Barrett Brooks
Since the very first episode, Good Work has been about exploring why our work matters and how it helps us become the people and leaders we’re meant to be. Normally, I interview world-class guests, diving deep into their unique stories and insights. But today, I’m sharing my own experiences, lessons, and reflections. I’ve gathered questions from you, my listeners, as well as past guests, covering a wide range of topics: business advice, lessons learned from podcasting, life philosophy, and how I approach my own work. This episode is a chance to connect on a different level as I reflect on the year and answer your questions. I hope it brings value and inspiration as we wrap up the year together. Let’s get to it!
In this episode:
- (00:00) - Intro
- (02:44) - What's the number one process business owners need to have to stay happy and engaged?
- (05:14) - What are the biggest tactical challenges that $1m+ creator/founders struggle with?
- (14:05) - What are the common threads in the life ambitions or mentality of the people you've had on the podcast?
- (27:25) - How have you changed, matured, or grown as a result of something you've learned from a guest on Good Work?
- (31:22) - What have you learned about podcasting that you didn't know or didn't expect when you started?
- (39:14) - Has podcasting changed anything about your views on the impact and importance of various forms of media in society at large?
- (44:16) - Of all the people you talked to, for whom did your respect increase the most after all the research and conversation, and why?
- (47:44) - What's up with the podcast artwork? And is there any meaning behind the studio design?
- (56:50) - What is your definition of "enough"?
- (01:04:04) - What are some challenges you're proud of solving, and how did you solve them?
- (01:13:21) - Over the last 10 years, what's become more important to you, and what's become less important? Does his weekly calendar match the answer?
- (01:16:14) - What are you avoiding just because it will take longer than you'd like?
- (01:17:09) - What was most surprising about 2024, and how are you feeling about 2025?
- (01:19:07) - is there anything you've learned in your life that you wish you didn't know?
- (01:22:23) - What six-month period of your life was the most energizing and fun, and what can you learn from the answer?
- (01:32:26) - How do you manage your day and your week?
- (01:38:27) - What would young Barrett think of the work you're doing today?
- (01:44:43) - If you were the teacher for your kids and a few other local kids, what's one class or curriculum you'd love to teach them and why?
- (01:48:08) - Why are garbage trucks stinky? And what makes buses awesome?
- (01:49:56) - Final thoughts
Key Takeaways
- The Work Itself Is the Reward: The conversations and connections built through the work are inherently fulfilling. Finding work that aligns with your unique gifts and values, will make the process itself deeply rewarding, not just the outcomes.
- Regularly Redefine Your Role: For business owners and entrepreneurs, consistently review your role within the business. Ask yourself, “Is this what I want to be doing?” Adjust your responsibilities to align with personal and professional fulfillment while maintaining sustainability in your business.
- Strive for Excellence in What Matters to You: Many Good Work guests share a common thread of aiming to be the best in their field. Embrace this mindset in your pursuits, and focus on doing something remarkable with your gifts.
- Fall in Love with the Hamster Wheel: Instead of resisting the repetitive nature of some tasks in your career, embrace and find joy in the ongoing process. Choosing to love the necessary challenges can transform the way you approach your work.
- Centered Ambition as the Key to Growth: Pursue excellence from a place of intrinsic worth rather than trying to prove something to others. By embracing “centered ambition,” you can aim for great achievements while maintaining inner peace and self-acceptance.
“The work is the reward.” ~ Barrett Brooks
“The number one process to help an entrepreneur stay happy and engaged is reviewing how you’re spending your time and what you want your job to be.” ~ Barrett Brooks
“You have to figure out how to fall in love with the hamster wheel. Because every business has pain. It’s just a question of, do you want this pain, or do you want a different kind of pain?” ~ Barrett Brooks
- Mo Bunnell: https://www.goodworkshow.com/why-real-relationships-are-the-secret-to-growing-your-business-with-mo-bunnell/
- Andy Crissinger: https://www.goodworkshow.com/andy-crissinger-the-art-of-asking-better-questions/
- Hannah Ritchie: https://www.goodworkshow.com/navigating-our-future-data-optimism-and-sustainability-with-hannah-ritchie/
- Malcom Gladwell: https://www.gladwellbooks.com/
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- Tim Ferriss: https://x.com/tferriss
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- Sean Blanc: https://x.com/shawnblanc
- Focus Like a Boss: https://focuslikeaboss.com/
- Pat Flynn: https://x.com/PatFlynn
- Smart Passive Income: https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/
- Deep Pocket Monster: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepPocketMonster
- Napoleon Hill: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Hill
- Jim Rohn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rohn
- The Fizzle Show: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fizzle-show/id656726654
- The Future Belongs to Creators: https://futurebelongstocreators.com/
- Kit: https://kit.com/
- Nathan Barry: https://x.com/nathanbarry
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- Podcast Royale: https://www.podcastroyale.net/
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- Age of Miracles: https://www.youtube.com/@age-of-miracles
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- a16z Podcast: https://a16z.com/podcasts/a16z-podcast/
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- The Kool-Aid Factory: https://koolaidfactory.com/
- Patrick OShaughnessy: https://x.com/patrick_oshag
- Inveest Like the Best: https://joincolossus.com/series/invest-like-the-best/
- Air Jordans: https://www.nike.com/w/jordan-shoes-37eefzy7ok
- Atlanta Braves: https://www.mlb.com/braves
- Felice Della Gatta: https://www.felicedellagatta.com/
- The Carbon Almanac: https://thecarbonalmanac.org/
- Seth Godin: https://www.sethgodin.com/
- Charli Prangley: https://charlimarie.com/
- Harry Potter LEGO: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/hogwarts-castle-71043
- West Elm: https://www.westelm.com/
- Seek and Swoon: https://www.seekandswoon.com/
- UGA: https://www.uga.edu/
- Atomic Habits: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits
- Kevin Lavelle: https://www.goodworkshow.com/creating-companies-with-purpose-kevin-lavelle-on-innovation-family-and-leadership/
- Emily McDowell: https://www.goodworkshow.com/emily-mcdowell-on-reclaiming-creativity-navigating-burnout-and-finding-balance/
- I am nothing: On the loss of identity in times of transition: https://barrettbrooks.com/transitions/
- Anne-Laure Le Cunff: https://www.goodworkshow.com/self-discovery-and-the-power-of-inner-transformation-with-anne-laure-le-cunff/
- Matthew Marshall: https://www.goodworkshow.com/reinventing-the-way-we-build-homes-and-communities-with-matthew-marshall/
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